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Links to Legal Resources

LAIC+OCLC is a supportive, educational program for solo lawyers as they develop sustainable law practices. It does not provide legal services to the public and it is not a referral service. 
If you are a member of the public looking for a lawyer to handle your legal matter, below are some links to lawyer referral services, legal services organizations and other resources for people representing themselves.

1. is the lawyer referral service of the Los Angeles Bar Association. It screens attorneys for qualifications, and attorneys provide a free initial consultation (up to 20 minutes). They do not provide free legal help, but you can request their "modest means" panel, which offers lower-than-average rates. Click to visit
2.  California State Certified Lawyer Referral Services Directory.  If you are outside Los Angeles, or if you could not find help on Smartlaw, the State Bar maintains a list of referral services throughout the state. Click here to visit the California Bar's directory (
​3. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you may qualify for free legal aid services. To find a legal aid organization in your area, click here to visit to connect with legal services organizations in your area.
4. Judicial Council "self-help" guides. The California Judicial Branch maintains an online self-help center with helpful information so you can represent yourself in some of them most common legal matters, including family law, evictions and restraining orders. Click here to visit the Judicial Council self-help guides (
5. The Los Angeles Law Library. The Library also has a wealth of resources for lawyers, consumers and for people representing themselves in their legal matters. The Library also hosts monthly Lawyers in the Library clinics where patrons can book an appointment to speak with a volunteer lawyer, as well as regular "Ask a Lawyer" group sessions, and dozens of legal workshops. Click here to visit

6. If you have received a notice from your landlord regarding an eviction, it is important to seek legal help immediately. is a clearinghouse of information about where to find help. Click here to visit  


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